If you are embedding your map as a Page Embed (iframe), you can also restrict a specific map installation to a specific category.
This will:
- Limit locations shown to a specific category (or categories)
- Hide the search bar and category selection from the map UI
Example of the UI after the search bar and category filters are hidden:
Embed Code Example
To do this, you must add a custom parameter "?category=[CATEGORY]" to your embed code. For example, if your embed code is:
<div class="closeby-embed-123456789
<script src="https://embed.closeby.co/v1.js?closeby.mapKey=123456789
&embed=true&height=700" async defer></script>
<div class="closeby-embed-123456789
<script src="https://embed.closeby.co/v1.js?closeby.mapKey=123456789
&embed=true&height=700&category=delivery" async defer></script>
<div class="closeby-embed-123456789
<script src="https://embed.closeby.co/v1.js?closeby.mapKey=123456789
&embed=true&height=700&category=delivery,store" async defer></script>
Note: if you have a space in your category label, you will need to encode it using "%20", so "Open Weekends" would become "&category=Open%20Weekends"
For Shopify instructions on manually adding custom code, you should be able to follow this guide:
Iframe Example
To do this, you must add a custom parameter "?category=[CATEGORY]" to your embed code. For example, if your embed code is: