The Launcher
By default, the overlay installation of the map is triggered by clicking the launcher. If you choose to disable the launcher on your website, you can still use custom HTML links to show your map instead.
For example, you can have a link/button on a page that says "View Our Locations" and it can open the map as an overlay without ever changing the page.
Adding Overlay HTML Links
First, install the Closeby javascript by either connecting Shopify or adding the Closeby script to your page. To add a link on your page that manually opens the overlay, add an html <a> element to your page like this below. You can change 'View Locations' to whatever you want and feel free to add any kind of CSS or styles to this link.
<a href="javascript:closeby-open">View Locations</a>
Alternatively for Shopify websites, you will have to use an href value of "#closeby-open" when creating these custom links for this to save properly.
When this link is clicked the Closeby overlay will open. Now that you have this link working you can choose to disable the default launcher by going to your map customizations unchecking the "Enable Launcher" option.